What is PREA?

PREA stands for the Prison Rape Elimination Act, which was signed into law by President Bush on Sept. 4, 2003.
The final regulatory standards to implement PREA went into effect on August 20, 2012.

What is the purpose of PREA?
PREA is intended to address the detection, prevention, reduction and prosecution of sexual harassment and sexual assault in all correctional facilities in the country.

To what facilities does PREA apply?
PREA applies to all confinement facilities in the state. This includes all prisons, jails, police lock-ups, juvenile facilities, immigration detention centers, court holding facilities, and community corrections facilities (home monitoring, probation, parole, halfway houses).

What should someone do if they suspect a sexual assault has occurred in a correctional facility?
Anyone who suspects or has knowledge of any sexual harassment, sexual assault or sexual misconduct in any juvenile or adult detention or correctional facility should report it to a staff member, volunteer, supervisor, administrator or human resources official. Inmates may file grievances, tell their case manager or unit manager, or talk with a correctional 

officer or any staff member with whom they feel comfortable and trust. Anyone who receives a report of sexual abuse in any confinement setting must send it up
the chain of command for investigation and disposition.

Reporting of Sexual Assault
Every report that is made is taken seriously and will be investigated fully. The Bergen County Sheriff’s Office has a
ZERO tolerance policy for any sexual assaults made or attempted by any inmate or staff member in the Bergen County Sheriff’s Office. Reports can be made anonymously by friends or family members at any time by contacting the Sheriff’s Office at 201-646-2222.
PREA Annual Report
PREA Final Report
For more information visit the National PREA Resource Center at:
A. The BCSO shall conduct all investigations of alleged sexual abuse or sexual harassment;
1. Unless the allegation involves a staff member, in which case the investigation is turned over to the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office.
2. The BCSO will document all such referrals.